ESA BIC Green Space Startup Summit.

Big Terra takes part in ESA BIC Green Space Startup Summit

Our CEO and Founder, Pavel Juruš, took part in the Green Space Startup Summit and had an opportunity to talk about “what it is that we do” 🤔 😁 with our #earthobservation 🛰, crop ☘ and climate modeling ⛈. The 6 hour drive 🚗 to Stuttgart was well worth it for for us, as ESA BIC Czech Republic alumni. We finally got to do some cross-border networking and to see what’s cooking elsewhere, meet new friend and get inspired!!

ESA BIC Baden-Württemberg closes out each year with its now traditional Startup Summit, this time at the “Haus der Wirtschaft” in Stuttgart on December 2nd 2021 with a focus on “Green Space”. There was an exhibition of ESA BIC Startups from Baden-Württemberg and other ESA BICs, including our very own Big Terra from ESA BIC Czech Republic. A great opportunity to to see trends and developments in the area of sustainability and environment protection with a space-based angle. Parallel to the was a Business Angel investment session and a background discussion on the financial side of New Space. The evening saw awards given to the the winners of this year’s Galileo & Copernicus Masters competitions and, for the ultimate first time, the Green Space Award.